The science of Quantum Physics is now telling us that everything in the Universe is made of energy and that we are part of all that is. We are at-one with EVERYTHING in the Universe. We are each cells in the larger body of "The One", "I AM That","God", "Divinity", the "Universe", whatever you wish to call it. When we choose to come into the physical body (incarnate), we take on an ego that allows us to see ourselves and others as separate individuals. We feel separate from one another as well as separate from God; sometimes, even separate from ourselves. Buddhists, and others, tell us that the whole physical world is just an illusion and that only the world (dimension) of Spirit is real...that time exists in the physical just so we can think about it in a linear fashion while we are on Earth.
Please remember what I always say - take with you what feels right to you-IN YOUR HEART-and leave the rest right here. Click the underlined text to listen to Joan Baez sing The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down on Youtube. Around 1:20, she sings "take what you need and leave the rest". I just pulled out that song because of that one half-line, but if you remember Joan Baez, you can enjoy her live performance by clicking there.

Shakespeare said something like, "The whole world is a play/stage and everybody plays a part." My Esoteric Healing instructor said, "You are the director, writer and star of your own play."
If you'd rather listen to "The Whole World is a Stage and Everybody Plays a Part" by the Fantastic Four (from Detroit - MoTown - the city I was born in). This was a minor distraction. I hope you took a quick break and enjoyed some oldies music. I believe that there is a song for EVERYTHING. It's great to always have a song in my heart (and a humming in my throat) - it just feels good - not like having an annoying song STUCK in my head. Or, I find a song I love to replace the one that is stuck in my head.
What if there is really no such thing as time and that everything - every minute of every lifetime - is happening all at once in the world of spirit? What if making a change today has an effect on every part of "the oneness" across all time lines, past and future and possible future? These are big questions that merit their own posts.
At some point in our lives, we might begin to ask questions like, "Is there more to me than this body, mind, emotions (personality), my family, house, career, and possessions? How am I nourishing my spirit? Is there room to grow spiritually? Why am I here? Is there a purpose to my life? What am I missing in life?" and more. I think this happens when our ego begins to long for that "oneness feeling" that it has only "veiled" memories of. This could be the time of the mid-life crisis, when people start to do things that are "out of character" for them (like buying the Harley). Really, it can happen at nearly any age, not necessarily middle-age.
I saw this in myself as a restlessness, always questioning the religious and philosophical "truths" I was taught in Catholic school, especially the teachings about God and Love. If God IS LOVE, then why would God EVER judge anyone? Let alone, send anyone to eternal punishment/damnation/hell/suffering for making a single HUMAN mistake and not confessing it before physical death?. Is God not the ultimate? Is God not the perfection of love itself? Isn't perfect love totally unconditional? My brain could not comprehend judgment and damnation being a part of unconditional love. When I read the book CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD BOOK I by Neale Donald Walsch, shortly before my first cancer diagnosis in '97, it felt right to me and presented an idea of God that was more like my impression of what a god-like being should be, rather than the vengeful, fear-invoking God I had learned about as a child, based on the one teaching I DID believe: that God is love.

This CHANGE I'm talking about can have various catalysts, like simply feeling old, a serious illness, death of a beloved one, end of a relationship, marriage, sudden change or end of a career, a significant change in income, a trauma of any kind, or a near death experience - any type of significant life event. Mine was my first cancer diagnosis in '97. I felt like it had pulled the rug out from under me/my life and knocked me down HARD and I had to pick myself up and get back into life. I have often referred to this event as like 'being hit over the head with a 2x4'.
When people start to question their spiritual beliefs, to modify their philosophy of life, to dramatically change their priorities, they may even reject religion or change religions. They may develop a new belief that, since we are a part of God - the Divine spark that resides within us, we do not need an outside source to teach us - we can go inside to know who we really are and to be ourselves...to BE who we really, truly are, not who we think others want or expect us to be. We can receive guidance from our "Divine Spark" by first asking for it, then by paying attention to our feelings and listening to the whispers of our spirit working through people, animals, books, signs, movies, etc. We are driven to want more information, a closer union with and a better understanding of the Divinity within. The spirit/soul and the personality long for union. There is a longing to merge into what is known in the Ancient Wisdom as a soul-infused personality.
I ask and allow my 'Divine self' to think through my mind, speak through my words and act through my body. I wish to be the outward expression of the Love/God/Divine that lives within me, that animates my personality. I ask my Divine Spark/Self to focus more intently on what's going on in my human/physical life.
Any time I feel uncomfortable, when I remember to, I ask my Divine Self to help me out (S.O.S.) and, like yesterday, during my guided imagery presentation at the Alpena Friends Together Cancer Conference, I found myself saying things that I had not planned to talk about. I told them about my imagery work with the energy of Divine Healing Love (click to see an example) and that I think my job or purpose is to demonstrate by my example, that someone can have cancer and still live a (relatively) normal, happy life.
I added an experimental 'hit counter' to this blog on the right side of the screen. We'll see if it works. I'm not even sure what it's counting. :)
This is not the topic I was intending to write about, but I think it may be food for thought. If you have questions or comments, click on the Comment button below, or send me an email at maggiehealing@gmail.com.
Namaste' & blessings and love....