Hey Chemo! I'm talking to you! What are you? Cells? Molecules? Atoms? Blobs? Soldiers? Witches' Brew? Drugs? Nuclear weapons? Syrupy Liquid? Whatever you are - we need to talk. I understand that many very smart brains have worked very hard to develop and test your formulation. I think those scientists and doctors are doing the very best they can to "fight the war" they feel they are fighting against this disease called cancer, along with the cooperation of those brave souls/cancer patients who participate in clinical trials. It appears that cancer is a formidable enemy. I don't even like to give that word the energy required to say it or type it.
How about can-can? Like the dance. I'll call it can-can.
We humans can be a war-like culture, always involved in conflicts of some kind evidenced by the fact that we have multiple wars going on at once -- a war on drugs, a war on terror, a war on poverty, a war on can-can -- you name it, we'll wage a war against it.
That makes me think of a song. Here's a quick diversion. We never, ever do nothin' nice-n-easy. We always do it nice-n-ROUGH. Click to listen to Proud Mary on youtube.
As I was saying, I want to talk to you, chemo, about making a different arrangement - a different agreement - so that we are not enemies, so that you are my ally, supporter, helper, healer, and friend. I want you to meet my can-can. I want you to search out can-can cells and blobs in my body. Please start by taking one of the can-can cells by the hand and saying, "Do you remember who you are? I am here to help you remember who you really are." If they can't remember the original reason for their existence (like being a healthy lung or liver cell), then simply escort them to the nearest exit. If they do remember, help them with a make-over to restore them to their natural, perfectly Divine beauty and function.

Some medical people choose to view chemo as poison and have told me so very matter-of-factly while aiming the needle into my vein. To quote, "You know this is poison going into your veins, don't you?" As if my beautiful computer-designed stickers that say "Divine Healing Love" and "Love Potion No. 9" stuck to the IV apparatus are feeble attempts to deny the reality of it all. In the eyes of can-can, chemo is poison. In the test tube, it kills can-can cells. It also kills a few other cells in the body and I'm sure the hope is that, like arsenic used to treat heart-worm in dogs, the chemo kills the can-can before it kills the patient. It kinda makes me feel like I'm "living on the edge".
I cannot discount the efforts of all the people who have worked so hard to make chemo a reality. Many people's lives have been saved or extended with these powerful drugs. Others' lives have ended - I especially honor those people.
I am choosing to view chemo as Divine Healing Love, aka Love Potion No. 9, coined by my dear friend, Vicki. Click to listen to Love Potion No. 9 on youtube
I just LOVE that there's a song out there for EVERYthing!! I use my imagination (imagery) to see the light of Divine Healing Love pouring down through the ceiling and infusing the liquid in the IV bag with a brilliant white or rainbow light. Every drop of chemo is infused with that light. I see it flow down the tubing and enter into one of my veins. From there, it spreads first to every blood cell of my blood, then to every cell of my body - every organ, blood vessel, muscle, nerve, bone, brain, lungs w/bronchial tubes, glands and all my other parts. Soon, my body is glowing with the energy of Divine Healing Love. Once all my cells are filled up, the energy radiates out from my body to fill up first the Cancer Center and all who are present there, then out to the rest of the hospital, spreading the high frequency vibration of Divine Healing Love to everyone nearby - patients and workers both.

How about can-can? Like the dance. I'll call it can-can.
We humans can be a war-like culture, always involved in conflicts of some kind evidenced by the fact that we have multiple wars going on at once -- a war on drugs, a war on terror, a war on poverty, a war on can-can -- you name it, we'll wage a war against it.
That makes me think of a song. Here's a quick diversion. We never, ever do nothin' nice-n-easy. We always do it nice-n-ROUGH. Click to listen to Proud Mary on youtube.
Some medical people choose to view chemo as poison and have told me so very matter-of-factly while aiming the needle into my vein. To quote, "You know this is poison going into your veins, don't you?" As if my beautiful computer-designed stickers that say "Divine Healing Love" and "Love Potion No. 9" stuck to the IV apparatus are feeble attempts to deny the reality of it all. In the eyes of can-can, chemo is poison. In the test tube, it kills can-can cells. It also kills a few other cells in the body and I'm sure the hope is that, like arsenic used to treat heart-worm in dogs, the chemo kills the can-can before it kills the patient. It kinda makes me feel like I'm "living on the edge".
I cannot discount the efforts of all the people who have worked so hard to make chemo a reality. Many people's lives have been saved or extended with these powerful drugs. Others' lives have ended - I especially honor those people.
I am choosing to view chemo as Divine Healing Love, aka Love Potion No. 9, coined by my dear friend, Vicki. Click to listen to Love Potion No. 9 on youtube
I just LOVE that there's a song out there for EVERYthing!! I use my imagination (imagery) to see the light of Divine Healing Love pouring down through the ceiling and infusing the liquid in the IV bag with a brilliant white or rainbow light. Every drop of chemo is infused with that light. I see it flow down the tubing and enter into one of my veins. From there, it spreads first to every blood cell of my blood, then to every cell of my body - every organ, blood vessel, muscle, nerve, bone, brain, lungs w/bronchial tubes, glands and all my other parts. Soon, my body is glowing with the energy of Divine Healing Love. Once all my cells are filled up, the energy radiates out from my body to fill up first the Cancer Center and all who are present there, then out to the rest of the hospital, spreading the high frequency vibration of Divine Healing Love to everyone nearby - patients and workers both.

Hi Jerry,
ReplyDeleteI am focusing on keeping my vibrational frequency tuned to the vibration of Divine Healing Love. Thank you for your loving support. I love and appreciate you more and more.
Thanks Maggie for stating it so beautifully. I'm using a similar imagery for radiation.
ReplyDeleteWonderful inspiration! I caught myself earlier saying very negative things about the kind of antibiotics they ae pumping into me here in the hospital and realized what I was doing with that attitude. So your visualization came at a very good time! Thank you.
ReplyDeletegood stuff. thank you with love
ReplyDeleteI have a quick question about your blog, would you mind emailing me when you get a chance?
I don't have you email address, Cameron. I replied to the email I received, though. Perhaps you'll get it, although it says no-reply something as the address. Peace.