An E-Motion is Energy in Motion, so we can work with emotions from an energetic perspective, using the incredible power of the imagination.
This is an imagery meditation/prayer to help dissipate disturbing emotional energy (anxiety, fear, confusion, worry, depression, anger, etc.) It is NOT a way to repress emotions, but to honor and process them, recognize and accept them; and transform them into a higher, spiritual vibration. Sit down, close your eyes, breathe 3 (or more) long, slow, deep breaths to just slow you down - inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Then, allow your breathing to return to normal or 'automatic' and imagine that, with each inhale, you breathe in the energy of Divine Healing Love/God's Grace/Christ's love/Buddha's nirvana, etc. Imagine what color or color(s) it might be and the qualities of its texture - liquid, JEWELS, SEQUINS, sparkles or energy or liquid, etc. Feel it fillinng up your lungs as oxygen would and going directly into your loving heart. Then, see the love you breathed in filling the cup of your heart until it overflows (your cup runneth over). Then, as you exhale, see this superbly, Divinely sublime (DEFINITION - of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe) love spread out to the rest of your body, shining its beautiful light until the entire body glows - including an aura that surrounds the body - filling up every cell to its maximum holding capacity for Divine love energy and feel/see the energy's light increase in intensity.
This is an imagery meditation/prayer to help dissipate disturbing emotional energy (anxiety, fear, confusion, worry, depression, anger, etc.) It is NOT a way to repress emotions, but to honor and process them, recognize and accept them; and transform them into a higher, spiritual vibration. Sit down, close your eyes, breathe 3 (or more) long, slow, deep breaths to just slow you down - inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Then, allow your breathing to return to normal or 'automatic' and imagine that, with each inhale, you breathe in the energy of Divine Healing Love/God's Grace/Christ's love/Buddha's nirvana, etc. Imagine what color or color(s) it might be and the qualities of its texture - liquid, JEWELS, SEQUINS, sparkles or energy or liquid, etc. Feel it fillinng up your lungs as oxygen would and going directly into your loving heart. Then, see the love you breathed in filling the cup of your heart until it overflows (your cup runneth over). Then, as you exhale, see this superbly, Divinely sublime (DEFINITION - of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe) love spread out to the rest of your body, shining its beautiful light until the entire body glows - including an aura that surrounds the body - filling up every cell to its maximum holding capacity for Divine love energy and feel/see the energy's light increase in intensity.

Continue this form of breathing, allowing your body and mind to "just let go" of all tension, concerns, and discomfort until you're feeling more relaxed.
Then, remember the disturbing emotion - you could give it a specific shape & name if you wish - and notice where you are feeling it in your body. Focusing your attention on the emotion and the physical sensation, allow yourself to observe and accept the emotion and the sensation. Ask how this feeling might have been a defensive strategy for you or served some other purpose for you in the past, remembering that you are not the same person you were then. Take as long as you need to acknowledge the feeling and accept it as part of the expression of your human 'self'.
Invite the feeling into your heart. Shine the light of Divine Healing Love unto the feeling and notice it begin to lighten up and dissipate. Continue until you feel a change occurring, then embrace and love the emotion. If change does not occur immediately, you will probably notice it by the next day. This process can be repeated as often as desired.
Invite the feeling into your heart. Shine the light of Divine Healing Love unto the feeling and notice it begin to lighten up and dissipate. Continue until you feel a change occurring, then embrace and love the emotion. If change does not occur immediately, you will probably notice it by the next day. This process can be repeated as often as desired.
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine, and I were talking about blogsites, so she sent me a link to your site, just this evening, as an example. Not wanting to interrupt our discussion of deeper things I simply loaded the page and minimized it, to look at later, but as I did -, my eye caught the picture of the shaded silhouette.
A little while later, I was trying to relate a certain technique I have recently developed to release negative energy and replace it with love. I remembered the picture, and I thought: "Oh that is a perfect graphic for her to look at while I try to explain this process," and so brought up this page - so she could see the picture , and I specifically told her to not take the time to read anything now, but to focus on the instructions I was giving her, which she did.
Well we had a lovely conversation, I did a few things around the house and a couple of hours later, I came back to my computer to give your page a look. To my total surprise, the words on this page describe the exact same process I had suggested she try. You had selected that graphic to convey the exact same idea.
Albert Einstein said "Smart people think alike." so I think it is also true that people on the spiritual path also think alike. The words on your site, encourage me, that I am on the right path.
Thank You so much for doing what you do.
Namaste, Spiritual Tow Truck (Charlie)
I love how the Universe puts ideas out there and many of us pick up the same ideas around the same time. This was blend of ideas from a few different sources, including my journal. Thank you for taking the time to comment. We are all on the path that is right for us. Thanks for walking with me. with love,